Private Instruction

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Would you like a class designed just for you?

A private class can be structured to any intensity level you desire and include a focused workout on the areas you want to affect the most.

People seek private instruction for various reasons:

  • Personal exercise needs are not always met in a group class.
  • Working out with a friend or spouse in a private class can be time well spent.
  • They want more attention than in a group class and personalized instruction on form and techniques.
  • Group class times do not always fit our personal schedules.

private yoga instruction
private instruction

Private Instruction
helps you develop your optimal fitness.

Private instruction is available for all levels of fitness and ability.

Your private class can cover any topic you want including:

  • Yoga and other exercises appropriate for the recuperation of illness or injury
  • Beginning, intermediate or advanced level yoga.
  • Core Conditioning
  • Personal Training
  • Tai Chi
  • Meditation and Relaxation
  • Stress Reduction
  • Energy Meridian Balance
  • A combination of everything

Get more from your practice and sharpen your skills.

A private class duration is typically for an hour or longer. During your class you will be able to direct the pacing and intensity so the session suits your needs. You can schedule a single session or set up for a series of classes.

You may schedule a private class just for yourself or you can include one or more others. I have plenty of practice working in group classes with people of different abilities so I can help each participant get the individual instruction they need.

Give yourself the attention you deserve from someone who knows how to enhance your exercise experience.

jbyrdyoga tree pose

Private Sessions

jbyrdyoga downward dog

A private session is a great way for you to experience a class with one on one attention to your needs. The pacing is set to your level and the workout focuses on your goals. You can choose to work on yoga, core conditioning, personal training with weights, meditation, tai chi or a combination of everything.

  • 1 Hour Session - a personalized session of the topic of your choice. You can also share your session with a friend for the same cost.

    **Currently Private Sessions are on hold - will update when these are offered again**

For information:
Text Julie at 713-291-1851 or email

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